Q:What are the employment destinations for MF graduates after graduation?

A: After graduation, the employment prospects for MF graduates are generally promising, with a high job placement rate of 100% in top-tier financial institutions. The specialized and practical nature of the MF program equips students with the essential skills and knowledge sought after by the industry. Read recent employment reports here.


Q: What are the tuition fees and scholarship policies for the MF program?

A: SJTU provides different kinds of scholarship for excellent applicants, such as Chinese Government Scholarship, Shanghai Government Scholarship, SJTU Scholarship, and others.
For more details, please click: Fall 2024 SJTU International Graduate Admission.


Q: If I got admitted by the MF-General track, could I transfer to MF-FinTech track afterwards?

A: The two tracks have different emphases in their curriculum settings and do not allow for interconversion. Upon completing the required courses, students in both tracks will have a wide range of elective courses to choose from, allowing them to further enrich their academic experience.


If you have any questions, please contact:

Tel:0086 21 62934968; Email:mf@saif.sjtu.edu.cn

