5th Floor, West Tower, World Financial Centre
1 Dong San Huan Middle Road
Chaoyang District, Beijing 100020, China
Tel: +86 10 5081 5880
Tailored for elite Chinese financiers, business leaders and senior management, the Global Executive Scholars Program (GES) centers upon financial management and globalization. The GES program cultivates world-class industry leaders with an international perspective and financial acumen. By helping industry leaders exert greater and sustained influence in their respective fields, the program promotes reform and development for China's economy and its financial markets, laying a solid foundation for a leading role for China in the global economy.
211 West Huaihai Road
Shanghai 200030, China
Tel: +86 21 6293 3500
9th Floor, Building T6, Hongqiao Hui
990 Shenchang Road, Shanghai 201106, China
3rd Floor, Building D, Chenfeng Building
800 Tongpu Road, Shanghai 200062, China
5th Floor, West Tower, World Financial Centre
1 Dong San Huan Middle Road
Chaoyang District, Beijing 100020, China
Tel: +86 10 5081 5880
1203 Tower 7, One Shenzhen Bay
Nanshan District, Shenzhen 518000, China
Tel: +86 755 8663 8815
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