Program Introduction

The SAIF Finance EMBA Program is designed to integrate top educational resources from around the world to provide access to cutting-edge systematic knowledge in finance, management innovation, and the frontiers of technology innovation. With its Finance Track and Innovation Finance Track, the program is committed to nurturing innovative middle-to-senior executives for the financial sector, international financiers, and entrepreneurs with expertise in finance.

The SAIF Finance EMBA Program places a high premium upon the development of international perspectives in today’s globalized world. SAIF has forged close and strategic partnerships with a number of internationally prestigious business schools, including: the Wharton School at The University of Pennsylvania, the Haas School of Business at UC Berkeley, and the Imperial College Business School in London. These international partnerships have not only increased our cooperation with the rest of the world via academic exchanges, but also created a pool of superior management education resources.
Since June 2010, the SAIF Finance EMBA Program has enrolled over 2,000 students from diverse backgrounds who are already holders of Bachelor’s, Master’s, or even Doctoral degrees. They include elite professionals from financial institutions worldwide and business leaders from various industries. The program manifests both diversity and a high level of representation in terms of geography, sector, and business nature.
As the first such program in finance, the SAIF Finance EMBA Program enjoys unrivalled strengths. It has the strongest team of professors of finance in Asia, world-class academic standards and intellectual creativity, the most authoritative and forward-looking curriculum, and access to a global interactive network of educational partners and alumni. It is our mission to produce leaders who are well trained in modern finance, and who deeply understand international financial markets.

Finance EMBA