5th Floor, West Tower, World Financial Centre
1 Dong San Huan Middle Road
Chaoyang District, Beijing 100020, China
Tel: +86 10 5081 5880
Latest Publications
Drapeau, Samuel, Peng Luo, Alexander Schied and Dewen Xiong, 2021, An FBSDE approach to market impact games with stochastic parameters, Probability, Uncertainty and Quantitative Risk
Gao, Huasheng, Kai Li, and Yujing Ma, 2021, Stakeholder Orientation and the Cost of Debt: Evidence from State-level Adoption of Constituency Statutes, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis
Chen, Peimin, Peng Liu, Igor Kozhanov, and Chunchi Wu, 2021, Commercial Mortgage‐Backed Security Pricing with Real Estate Liquidity Risk, Real Estate Economics
Liu, Peng, Zhigang Qiu and David Xiaoyun Xu, 2021, Financial investments and commodity prices, International Review of Finance
Wang, Tracy Yue, and Andrew Winton, 2021, Industry informational interactions and corporate fraud, Journal of Corporate Finance
Chen, Yong, Bing Han, and Jing Pan, 2021, Sentiment Trading and Hedge Fund Returns , The Journal of Finance
Chen, Qi, Z. Huang, X. Jiang, G. Zhang, and Y. Zhang, 2021, Asymmetric Reporting Timeliness and Informational Feedback, Management Science
Xu, Zhengtian, Yafeng Yin, Xiuli Chao, Hongtu Zhu, and Jieping Ye, 2021, A generalized fluid model of ride-hailing systems, Transportation Research Part B-Methodological
Song, Jing-Sheng, Li Xiao, Hanqin Zhang, and Paul Zipkin, 2021, Smart policies for multi-source inventory systems and general tandem queues with order tracking and expediting, Operations Research
Hsihui Chang, Xin Chen, C.S. Agnes Cheng, Nan Zhou, 2021, Certification of Audit Committee Effectiveness: Evidence from a One-Time Regulatory Event in China, Journal of International Accounting Research
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5th Floor, West Tower, World Financial Centre
1 Dong San Huan Middle Road
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