
Latest Publications

1. Meng, Yu, 2020, CalPERS Prepares for the Long-Haul, The Wall Street Journal

2. Chen, Kedong, William Li, and Sijian Wang, 2020, An Easy-to-Implement Hierarchical Standardization for Variable Selection under Strong Heredity Constraint, Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice

3. Fisman, Raymond, Jing Shi, Yongxiang Wang, and Weixing Wu, 2020, Social Ties and the Selection of China's Political Elite, American Economic Review

4. Luk, Paul ; Zheng, Tianxiao, 2020, Foreign Direct Investment and Debt Financing in Emerging Economies, Journal of Money, Credit and Banking

5. Harvey, Campbell R., Yan Liu, and Alessio Saretto, 2020, An Evaluation of Alternative Multiple Testing Methods for Finance Applications, Review of Asset Pricing Studies

6. Feng, Gavin, Stefano Giglio, and Dacheng Xiu, 2020, Taming the Factor Zoo: A Test of New Factors, The Journal of Finance

7. Zhang, Huanan, Xiuli Chao, and Cong Shi, 2020, Closing the Gap: A Learning Algorithm for Lost-Sales Inventory Systems with Lead Times, Management Science

8. Da, Zhi, and Xing Huang, 2020, Harnessing the Wisdom of Crowds, Management Science

9. Hou, Kewei, Chen Xue, and Lu Zhang, 2020, Replicating Anomalies, The Review of Financial Studies

10. Tong, Jordan, Gregory DeCroix, and Jing-Sheng Song, 2020, Modeling payment timing in multiechelon inventory systems with applications to supply chain coordination, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management
