
Latest Publications

1. Han, Bing, and Gang Li, 2021, Information Content of Aggregate Implied Volatility Spread, Management Science

2. 朱克江, 2021, 新格局下我国保险业高质量发展的思考(上), 金融博览

3. Liu, Peng, and Jia Xie, 2021, Optimal Contract Design in Residential Brokerage, Real Estate Economics

4. Huang, Ying Sophie, Bing Liang, and Kai Wu, 2021, Are Mutual Fund Manager Skills Transferable to Private Funds?, International Review of Economics & Finance

5. 朱克江, 2021, 把握“十四五”发展机遇 推动保险业发展升级, 保险业风险观察

6. Zhi Da, Umit Gurun, Bin Li, and Mitch Warachka, 2021, Investment in a Smaller World: The Implications of Air Travel for Investors and Firms, Management Science

7. 邹光勇、刘明宇、刘鹏、杨竹莘, 2021, 公共景区门票价格管理理论述评——基于国际比较视角, 旅游学刊

8. 2021, 从监管走向治理——数字货币规制的全球格局与实践共识, 法律科学(西北政法大学学报)

9. 陈卓, 陈珂琪, 李洁, 2021, 空气污染是否加剧了新冠病毒的传播?——来自中国城市的实证研究, 经济学报

10. Alex Holcomb and Paul Mason, 2020, Investment Income Taxes and Private Equity Acquisition Activity, Journal of Empirical Finance
