
Latest Publications

1. Ye, Heng-Qing, and David D. Yao, 2010, Utility-Maximizing Resource Control: Diffusion Limit and Asymptotic Optimality for a Two-Bottleneck Model, Operations Research

2. Yuen, A., and Anming Zhang, 2010, Effects of Airport Concession Revenue Sharing on Competition and Social Welfare, Journal of Transport Economics and Policy

3. Chen, Hui, Scott Joslin, and Ngoc-Khanh Tran, 2010, Affine Disagreement and Asset Pricing, American Economic Review

4. Kan Raymond, Guofu Zhou, 2010, What Will the Likely Range of My Wealth Be?: Author Response, Financial Analysts Journal

5. Chen, Hong, Owen Q Wu, and David D. Yao, 2010, On the Benefit of Inventory-Based Dynamic Pricing Strategies, Production and Operations Management

6. Mehta, Nitin, Xinlei (Jack) Chen, and Om Narasimhan, 2010, Examining Demand Elasticities in Hanemann's Framework: A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis, Marketing Science

7. Park, J and Jun Zhang, 2010, Sensorimotor locus of the buildup activity in monkey LIP neurons, Journal of Neurophysiology

8. Liu, Yu-Jane, Chih-Ling Tsai, Ming-Chun Wang, and Ning Zhu, 2010, Prior Consequences and Subsequent Risk Taking: New Field Evidence from the Taiwan Futures Exchange, Management Science

9. Rapach, David, Jack Strauss, Guofu Zhou, 2010, Out-of-Sample Equity Premium Prediction: Combination Forecasts and Links to the Real Economy, The Review of Financial Studies

10. Zhou, Sean X., and Xiuli Chao, 2010, Newsvendor bounds and heuristics for serial supply chains with regular and expedited shipping, Naval Research Logistics
