
Latest Publications

1. Yin, G. and Jun Zhang, 2011, On decomposing stimulus and response waveforms in event-related potentials (ERP) recordings, Ieee Transactions on Biomedical Engineering

2. Zhang, H. and Jun Zhang, 2011, Frames, Riesz bases, and sampling expansions in Banach spaces via semi-inner products, Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis

3. Duoqi Xu, 2011, Information-based Supervision: Useful Weapon Against Financial Corruption, Social Sciences in China

4. Duoqi Xu, 2011, Tax Planning and Tax Policy in China: Case Study of the Tainted Milk Scandal, Frontiers of Law in China

5. 许多奇, 2011, 管理信贷资产证券化的关键一步, 法人

6. 许多奇, 2011, 社会保险法亮点解读:政策法律化与法律政策化, 中国社会科学报

7. Li, Wenli, Michelle J. White, and Ning Zhu, 2011, Did Bankruptcy Reform Cause Mortgage Defaults to Rise?, American Economic Journal: Economic Policy

8. 许多奇, 2011, 我国分税制改革之宪政反思与前瞻, 法商研究

9. 许多奇, 2011, 信息监管:我国信贷资产证券化监管之最优选择, 法学家

10. 许多奇, 2011, 次贷危机法律根源探究:美国金融监管制度及思想先进性质疑与启示, 交大法学
