
Latest Publications

1. 马颖, 2011, 过程控制导向的企业合同内部控制系统研究, 会计研究

2. Avramov, Doron, and Guofu Zhou, 2010, Bayesian Portfolio Analysis, Annual Review of Financial Economics

3. Jagannathan, Ravi, Ernst Schaumburg, and Guofu Zhou, 2010, Cross Sectional Asset Pricing Tests, Annual Review of Financial Economics

4. Chen, Hui, 2010, Macroeconomic Conditions and the Puzzles of Credit Spreads and Capital Structure, The Journal of Finance

5. Chen, Hui, Jianjun Miao, and Neng Wang, 2010, Entrepreneurial Finance and Nondiversifiable Risk, The Review of Financial Studies

6. Jacquier, Eric, Sheridan Titman, and AtakanYalçınc, 2010, Predicting systematic risk: Implications from growth options, Journal of Empirical Finance

7. Wang, Tracy Yue, Andrew Winton, and Xiaoyun Yu, 2010, Corporate Fraud and Business Conditions: Evidence from IPOs, The Journal of Finance

8. Li, Feng, 2010, The Information Content of Forward-Looking Statements in Corporate Filings-A Naïve Bayesian Machine Learning Approach: the information content of corporate filings, Journal of Accounting Research

9. Chen, Qi, B Mittendorf, and Y Zhang, 2010, Endogenous Accounting Bias when Decision Making and Control Interact, Contemporary Accounting Research

10. Zhang, H. and Jun Zhang, 2010, Generalized semi-inner products with application to regularized learning, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications
