
Latest Publications

1. Goldstein, Itay, Emre Ozdenoren, and Kathy Yuan, 2011, Learning and Strategic Complementarities in Speculative Attacks, The Review of Economic Studies

2. Liu, Zheng, Tao Zha, and Dan Waggoner, 2011, Sources of the Macroeconomic Fluctuations: A Regime-Switching DSGE Approach, Quantitative Economics

3. Liu, Zheng, and Mark Spiegel, 2011, Boomer Retirement: Headwinds for US Equity Markets?, Economics Letters

4. Liu, Zheng, Justin Weidner, 2011, Does Headline Inflation Converge to Core?, Economics Letters

5. Goldstein, Itay, Emre Ozdenoren, and Kathy Yuan, 2011, Learning and Complementarities: Implications for Speculative Attacks, The Review of Economic Studies

6. Hoppe, Heidrun C., Benny Moldovanu, and Emre Ozdenoren, 2011, Coarse Matching with Incomplete Information, Economic Theory

7. Liu, Peng, and Ke Tang, 2011, The stochastic behavior of commodity prices with heteroskedasticity in the convenience yield, Journal of Empirical Finance

8. Huseyin Gulen, Yuhang Xing,and Lu Zhang, 2011, Value versus Growth: Time-varying Expected Stock Returns, Financial Management

9. 郭明;崔忠波;董瑾, 2011, A-H股溢价现象:宏观角度的思考, 股市动态分析

10. Da, Zhi, Joey Engelberg, and Pengjie Gao, 2011, In Search of Attention, The Journal of Finance
