
Latest Publications

1. Han, Bing, Avanidhar Subrahmanyam, and Yi Zhou, 2017, The term structure of credit spreads, firm fundamentals, and expected stock returns, Journal of Financial Economics

2. Huang, Dashan, and Guofu Zhou, 2017, Upper Bounds on Return Predictability, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis

3. Kogan, Lenoid, Stephen Ross, Jiang Wang, and Mark Westerfield, 2017, Market Selection, Journal of Economic Theory

4. Chen, Hui, and Gustavo Manso, 2017, Macroeconomic Risk and Debt Overhang, Review of Corporate Finance Studies

5. Chen, Qi, T. Lewis, K. Schipper, and Y. Zhang, 2017, Uniform vs. Discretionary Regime in Reporting Information with Unverifiable Precision and a Coordination Role, Journal of Accounting Research

6. Kan, Raymond and Guofu Zhou, 2017, Modeling Non-normality Using Multivariate t: Implications for Asset Pricing, China Finance Review International

7. Jiang, Fuxiu, Z. Jiang, J. Huang, K. A. Kim and J. R. Nofsinger, 2017, Bank Competition and Leverage Adjustments, Financial Management

8. Gorton, Gary B., and Andrew Winton, 2017, Liquidity Provision, Bank Capital, and the Macroeconomy, Journal of Money, Credit and Banking

9. Liu, Fang, and Jing-Sheng Song, 2017, Coordinating a semi-centralized global production network through different levels of headquarters involvement, Production and Operations Management

10. Gwaiz, Majid Al, Xiuli Chao, and Owen Q Wu, 2017, Understanding How Generation Flexibility and Renewable Energy Affect Power Market Competition, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management
