
Latest Publications

1. 李贤, 陈娴, 陈欣, 2018, 怎样的公司市值管理动机更强?——来自2015年中国股灾停复牌数据的证据, 中央财经大学学报

2. 许多奇, 2018, 互联网金融风险的社会特性与监管创新, 法学研究

3. 许多奇,唐士亚, 2018, 中国财税法学研究路径审视与展望——基于2009~2017年CLSCI论文的统计分析, 法学

4. 许多奇,唐士亚, 2018, 财税法的衡平发展功能及其法治构造, 法学杂志

5. 宋玉禄, 陈欣, 2018, 激励还是抑制:政策环境与研发投入——基于股权结构视角, 科技管理研究

6. Aït-Sahalia, Yacine; Xiu, Dacheng, 2017, Using Principal Component Analysis to Estimate a High Dimensional Factor Model with High Frequency Data, Journal of Econometrics

7. Clark-Joseph, Adam D, Mao Ye, and *Chao Zi*, 2017, Designated Market Makers Still Matter: Evidence from Two Natural Experiments, Journal of Financial Economics

8. Li, Xiaoyang, A. Low and A. Makhija, 2017, Career concerns and the busy life of the young CEO, Journal of Corporate Finance

9. Fei, T., and Jun Zhang, 2017, Interaction of Codazzi couplings with (para)-Kahler geometry, Results in Mathematics

10. Shephard, Neil, and Dacheng Xiu, 2017, Econometric Analysis of Multivariate Realized QML: Estimation of the Covariation of Equity Prices under Asynchronous Trading, Journal of Econometrics
