
Latest Publications

1. 许多奇,唐士亚, 2017, 运动式监管向信息监管转化研究——基于对互联网金融专项整治行动的审视, 证券法苑

2. Duoqi Xu, and Mingyu Ge, 2017, Equity-Based Crowdfunding in China: Beginning with the First Crowdfunding Financing Case, Asian Journal of Law and Society

3. Emilios Avgouleas, and Duoqi Xu, 2017, Overhauling China’s Financial Stability Regulation: Policy Riddles and Regulatory Dilemma, Asian Journal of Law and Society

4. 许多奇, 埃米利奥·阿福古利亚斯, 2017, 中国金融稳定性监管变革的法律框架, 法学论坛

5. 胡援成、刘元秀、吴飞、吴志明, 2017, 高管薪酬、业绩与胜任力识别:一项行为金融实验, 经济学(季刊)

6. 饶卫, 陈娴, 陈欣, 2017, 文化与地区经济发展:一个文献综述, 经济问题探索

7. Meng, Yu, Pu Zhang and Ryan Ong, 2016, Mean Variance Optimization of Public and Private Asset Classes, Journal of Investment Management

8. Wan, Yulai, Hun-Koo Ha, Yuichiro Yoshida, and Anming Zhang, 2016, Airlines' reaction to high-speed rail entries: Empirical study of the Northeast Asian market, Transportation Research Part A-Policy and Practice

9. Tao, James, and Jun Zhang, 2016, Transformations and coupling relations for affine connections, Differential Geometry and Its Applications

10. Li, Xiaoyang, S. Lin, and A. Tucker, 2016, The curious case of converts, Global Finance Journal
