
Latest Publications

1. Fos, Vyacheslav, Kai Li, and Margarita Tsoutsoura, 2018, Do Director Elections Matter?, The Review of Financial Studies

2. Gao, Huasheng, Po Hsuan Hsu, and Kai Li, 2018, Innovation Strategy of Private Firms, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis

3. Cao, Charles, Bing Liang, Lubomir Petrasek, and Andrew Lo, 2018, Hedge Fund Holdings and Stock Market Efficiency, Review of Asset Pricing Studies

4. Jianan Liu, Rob Stambaugh and Yu Yuan, 2018, Absolving beta of volatility's effects, Journal of Financial Economics

5. Han, Bing, Dongmin Kong, and Shasha Liu, 2018, Do Analysts Gain an Informational Advantage by Visiting Listed Companies?, Contemporary Accounting Research

6. Greenfield, M., and Jun Zhang, 2018, Null preference and the resolution of the topological social choice paradox, Mathematical Social Sciences

7. Naudts, Jan, and Jun Zhang, 2018, Rho–tau embedding and gauge freedom in information geometry, Information Geometry

8. 许多奇, 2018, 新税制改革与创新驱动发展战略, 中国社会科学

9. 许多奇, 2018, 金融科技的“破坏性创新”本质与监管科技新思路, 东方法学

10. 许多奇,廉洁, 2018, 国际税收情报交换中的纳税人信息权保护, 税务研究
