
Latest Publications

1. Han, Yufeng, Guofu Zhou, and Yingzi Zhu, 2016, A trend factor: Any economic gains from using information over investment horizons?, Journal of Financial Economics

2. Li, William, and Dennis K. J. Lin, 2016, A Note on Foldover of 2n-k Designs with Column Permutations, Technometrics

3. Ye, Heng-Qing, and David D. Yao, 2016, Diffusion Limit of Fair Resource Control—Stationarity and Interchange of Limits, Mathematics of Operations Research

4. He, Zhiguo, and Konstantin Milbradt, 2016, Dynamic Debt Maturity, The Review of Financial Studies

5. Hong, Harrison, and David Alexandre Sraer, 2016, Speculative Betas, The Journal of Finance

6. Chen, Nan, Xin Liu, and David D. Yao, 2016, An Optimization View of Financial Systemic Risk Modeling: Network Effect and Market Liquidity Effect, Operations Research

7. Liu, Fang, Jing-Sheng Song, Jordan D. Tong, 2016, Building supply chain resilience through virtual stockpile pooling, Production and Operations Management

8. Liang, Pierre inghong, Madhav Rajan and Korok Ray, 2016, Performance monitoring by managerial teams, Journal of Centrum Cathedra

9. Huang, Lu, Jing-Sheng Song, and Tong, Jordan, 2016, Supply Chain Planning for Random Demand Surges: Reactive Capacity and Safety Stock, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management

10. Li, Qingying, Pengfei Guo, Chun-Lun Lee, and Jing-Sheng Song, 2016, Equilibrium joining strategies and optimal control of a make-to-stock queue, Production and Operations Management
