
Latest Publications

1. Sundaresan, Suresh, and Zhenyu Wang, 2015, On the Design of Contingent Capital with a Market Trigger, The Journal of Finance

2. Kevin X.D. Huang, Zheng Liu, and Qi Zhu, 2015, Temptation and Self-Control: Some Evidence and Applications, Journal of Money, Credit and Banking

3. Cheng, Ing-Haw, Harrison Hong, and Jose A. Scheinkman , 2015, Yesterday's Heroes: Compensation and Risk at Financial Firms, The Journal of Finance

4. Chen, Jason V. and Feng Li, 2015, Discussion of "Textual analysis and international financial reporting: Large sample evidence", Journal of Accounting & Economics

5. Chen, Qi, S. Dikolli, and W. Jiang, 2015, Career-Risk Concerns, Information Effort, and Optimal Pay-for-Performance Sensitivity, Journal of Management Accounting Research

6. Lu, Lijian, Jing-Sheng Song, and Hanqin Zhang, 2015, Optimal and asymptotically optimal policies for assemble-to-order N- and W-systems, Naval Research Logistics

7. Czerny, Achim I., and Anming Zhang, 2015, How to Mix Per-Flight and Per-Passenger Based Airport Charges, Transportation Research Part A-Policy and Practice

8. Thomas Marschak, J. George Shanthikumar and Junjie Zhou, 2015, A Newsvendor Who Chooses Informational effort, Production and Operations Management

9. Moshe Shakeda and J. George Shanthikumar, 2015, Multivariate Conditional Hazard Rate Functions - An Overview, Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry

10. Yan Dong, Kefeng Xu, Tony Haitao Cui, Yuliang Yao, 2015, Service Failure Recovery and Prevention: Managing Stockouts in Distribution Channels, Marketing Science
