
Latest Publications

1. Liu, Zheng , 2015, Discussion of Notarpietro and Siviero, Journal of Money, Credit and Banking

2. Han, Bing, and Yi Zhou, 2015, Understanding the term structure of credit default swap spreads, Journal of Empirical Finance

3. Hou, Kewei, Chen Xue, and Lu Zhang, 2015, Digesting Anomalies: An Investment Approach, The Review of Financial Studies

4. Dougal, Casey, Christopher A. Parsons, and Sheridan Titman, 2015, Urban Vibrancy and Corporate Growth, The Journal of Finance

5. Zhou, Guofu, and Yingzi Zhu, 2015, Macroeconomic Volatilities and Long-Run Risks of Asset Prices, Management Science

6. Levi, Shai, and Xiao-Jun Zhang, 2015, Do Temporary Increases in Information Asymmetry Affect the Cost of Equity?, Management Science

7. 朱克江, 2015, 建设人民群众满意的绿色家园, 群众

8. Hong, Harrison, Ilan Kremer, Jeffrey D. Kubik, Jianping Mei, and Michael Moses , 2015, Ordering, Revenue and Anchoring in Art Auctions, Rand Journal of Economics

9. Sun, Libo, Sheridan D. Titman, and Garry J. Twite, 2015, REIT and Commercial Real Estate Returns: A Postmortem of the Financial Crisis, Real Estate Economics

10. Liu, Zheng and Mark M. Spiegel, 2015, Optimal Monetary Policy and Capital Account Restrictions in a Small Open Economy, Imf Economic Review
