
Latest Publications

1. Yao, David D., 1985, Refining the Diffusion Approximation for the M/G/m Queue, Operations Research

2. Yao, David D., and J. A. Buzacott, 1985, Modeling a class of state-dependent routing in flexible manufacturing systems, Annals of Operations Research

3. Yao, David D., 1985, First-Passage-Time Moments of Markov Processes, Journal of Applied Probability

4. Yao, David D., 1985, Some results for the queues Mx/ M/ c and GIx/ G/ c, Operations Research Letters

5. David D. Yao, 1985, Some properties of the throughput function of closed networks of queues, Operations Research Letters

6. Yao, David D., and J. A. Buzacott, 1985, Queueing models for a flexible machining station Part I: The diffusion approximation, European Journal of Operational Research

7. Yao, David D., and J. A. Buzacott, 1985, Queueing models for a flexible machining station Part II: The method of Coxian phases, European Journal of Operational Research

8. 朱克江, 1984, 论对事物中间状态研究的重要意义, 青海社会科学

9. Chang, Eric C., and Wilbur G. Lewellen, 1984, Market Timing and Mutual Fund Investment Performance, Journal of Business

10. Sheridan Titman, 1984, The Effect of Capital Structure on a Firm's Liquidation Decision, Journal of Financial Economics
