
Latest Publications

1. Sheridan Titman, 1985, The Effect of Forward Markets on the Debt-Equity Mix of Investor Portfolios and the Optimal Capital Structure of Firms, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis

2. Chang, Eric C., and Richard Stevenson, 1985, The Timing Performance of Small Traders, Journal of Futures Markets

3. Chang, Eric C., 1985, Returns to Speculators and the Theory of Normal Backwardation, The Journal of Finance

4. Chang, Eric C., and Wilbur G. Lewellen, 1985, An Arbitrage Pricing Approach to Evaluating Mutual Fund Performance, Journal of Financial Research

5. Shapiro, AC, and Sheridan Titman, 1985, An Integrated Approach to Corporate Risk Management, Midland Corporate Finance Journal

6. Jagannathan, Ravi, 1985, An Investigation of Commodity Futures Prices Using the Consumption Based Intertemporal Capital Asset Pricing Model, The Journal of Finance

7. Chen, Son-Nan, and William T. Moore, 1985, The Expected Net Present Value Rule Under Informative and Noninformative Prior Distributions, Advanced in Financial Planning and Forecasting

8. Chen, Son-Nan, 1985, Uncertain inflation and Optimal Portfolio Selection: A Simplified Approach, Financial Review

9. Pairi, Robert A., and Son-Nan Chen, 1985, Estimation Risk and Optimal Portfolios, The Journal of Portfolio Management

10. Chen, Son-Nan, and Arthur J. Keown, 1985, Group Effects and Beta Nonstationarity, European Physical Journal Plus
