
Latest Publications

1. Chen, Son-Nan, and Cheng-Few Lee, 1986, The Effects of the Sample Size, the Investment Horizon and Market Conditions on the Validity of Composite Performance Measures: A Generalization, Management Science

2. David D. Yao, 1986, Convexity properties of the overflow in an ordered-entry system with heterogeneous servers, Operations Research Letters

3. Shanthikumar, J. George, and David D. Yao, 1986, The preservation of likelihood ratio ordering under convolution, Stochastic Processes and Their Applications

4. Buzacott, J. A., and David D. Yao, 1986, Flexible Manufacturing Systems: A Review of Analytical Models, Management Science

5. Shanthikumar, J. George, and David D. Yao, 1986, The Effect of Increasing Service Rates in a Closed Queueing Network, Journal of Applied Probability

6. Yao, David D., and J. A. Buzacott, 1986, The exponentialization approach to flexible manufacturing system models with general processing times, European Journal of Operational Research

7. Yao, David D., and J. A. Buzacott, 1986, Models of flexible manufacturing systems with limited local buffers, International Journal of Production Research

8. Grinblatt, Mark, and Sheridan Titman, 1985, Approximate Factor Structures: Interpretations and Implications for Empirical Tests, The Journal of Finance

9. Yao, David D., and J. A. Buzacott, 1985, Modelling the performance of flexible manufacturing systems, International Journal of Production Research

10. Sheridan Titman, 1985, Urban Land Prices Under Uncertainty, American Economic Review
