
Latest Publications

1. Ok, Efe A, and Lin Zhou, 1999, Revealed Group Preferences on Non-Convex Choice Problems, Economic Theory

2. Zhou, Lin, 1999, Subjective Probability Theory with Continuous Acts, Journal of Mathematical Economics

3. Zhou, Lin, and A Rubinstein, 1999, Choice Problems with A `Reference' Point, Mathematical Social Sciences

4. Chang, Eric C., Grant R. McQueen, and J. Michael Pinegar, 1999, Cross-autocorrelation in Asian Stock Markets, Pacific-Basin Finance Journal

5. Chang, Eric C., Joseph W. Cheng, and J. Michael Pinegar, 1999, Does futures trading increase stock market volatility? The case of the Nikkei stock index futures markets, Journal of Banking & Finance

6. Li, David X., 1999, The Valuation of Basket Credit Derivatives, CreditMetrics Monitor

7. Jagannathan,Ravi,Shaker Srinivasan, 1999, Does Product Market Competion Reduce Agency Costs?, Special Finance Issue of the North American the Journal of Finance

8. Liang, Bing, 1999, On the Performance of Hedge Funds, Financial Analysts Journal

9. Liang, Bing, 1999, Price Pressure: Evidence from the ‘Dartboard’ Column, Journal of Banking & Finance

10. Hong, Harrison, and Jeremy C. Stein, 1999, A Unified Theory of Underreaction, Momentum Trading and Overreaction in Asset Markets, The Journal of Finance
