
Latest Publications

1. Velu, Raja, and Guofu Zhou, 1999, Testing Multi-beta Pricing Models, Journal of Empirical Finance

2. Huddart, Steven J. , P. Jane Saly, and Ravi Jagannathan, 1999, Valuing the Reload Features of Executive Stock Options, Accounting Horizons

3. Kan, Raymond, and Guofu Zhou, 1999, A Critique of the Stochastic Discount Factor Methodology, The Journal of Finance

4. Squillante, Mark S, David D. Yao, and Li Zhang, 1999, Analysis of job arrival patterns and parallel scheduling performance, Performance Evaluation

5. Krishna, Aradhna, and Z. John Zhang, 1999, Short or Long-Duration Coupons: The Effect of the Expiration Date on the Profitability of Coupon Promotions, Management Science

6. Yao, D.D., and S. Zheng, 1999, Coordinated quality control in a two-stage system, Ieee Transactions on Automatic Control

7. Yao, David D., and Shaohui Zheng, 1999, Sequential Inspection under Capacity Constraints, Operations Research

8. Asadathorn, Nutthapol, and Xiuli Chao, 1999, A decomposition approximation for assembly-disassembly queueing networks with finite buffer and blocking, Annals of Operations Research

9. Yao, David. D., and Shaohui Zheng, 1999, Sequential quality control in batch manufacturing, Annals of Operations Research

10. Chang, Cheng-Shang, David D. Yao, and Tim Zajic, 1999, Large deviations, moderate deviations, and queues with long-range dependent input, Advances in Applied Probability
