
Latest Publications

1. Pan, Jun, and Allen Poteshman, 2006, The Information in Option Volume for Future Stock Prices, The Review of Financial Studies

2. Chou, Pin-Huang, and Guogu Zhou, 2006, Using Bootstrap to Test Portfolio Effciency, Annals of Economics and Finance

3. 陈松男,林淳瑜, 2006, 荷兰银行美元利率交换评价及分析, 证券柜台月刊

4. Chen, Qi, and Wei Jiang, 2006, Analysts’ Weighting of Private and Public Information, The Review of Financial Studies

5. Guojun Wu, Rajesh Aggarwal, 2006, Stock Market Manipulations, Journal of Business Research

6. Guojun Wu, Bruno Gerard, 2006, How Important Is Intertemporal Risk for Asset Allocation?, Journal of Business Research

7. Yuhang, Xing, 2006, Sector Investment Growth Rates and The Cross –Section of Equity Returns, Journal of Business

8. Lu, Xiangwen, Jing-Sheng Song, and A. Regan, 2006, Inventory Planning with Forecast Updates: Approximate Solutions and Cost Error Bounds, Operations Research

9. Shang, Kevin H., and Jing-Sheng Song, 2006, A Closed form Approximation for Serial Inventory Systems and Its Application to System Design, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management

10. Liu, Yunchuan, and Z. John Zhang, 2006, Research Note: The Benefits of Personalized Pricing in a Channel, Marketing Science
