
Latest Publications

1. Bennett, Paul and Li Wei, 2006, Market structure, fragmentation, and market quality, Journal of Financial Markets

2. 朱克江, 2006, 特色产业基地与自主创新, 长三角

3. Sargent, Thomas J., Noah Williams, and Tao Zha, 2006, Shocks and Government Beliefs: The Rise and Fall of American Inflation, American Economic Review

4. Sims, Christopher A., and Tao Zha, 2006, Does Monetary Policy Generate Recessions?, Macroeconomic Dynamics

5. Sims, Christopher A., and Tao Zha, 2006, Were There Regime Switches in US Monetary Policy?, American Economic Review

6. Zha, Tao, 2006, Transparency, Expectations, and Forecasts, Atlanta: Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta

7. Huw Lloyd-Ellis, Xiaodong Zhu, 2006, Using Financial Market Information to Enhance Canadian Fiscal Policy, Public Finance and Management

8. Sun, Qunyan, Jie LI, and Anming Zhang, 2006, SOE Reform under Oligopolistic Market Structure: The Optimal Choice of State Shares, Frontiers of economics in China

9. Wong, Clement Yuk Pang, Jinhui Wu, and Anming Zhang, 2006, A Model of Trade Liberalization in Services, Review of International Economics

10. Zhang, Anming, and Y. Zhang, 2006, Rivalry between Strategic Alliances, International Journal of Industrial Organization
