
Latest Publications

1. Zhang, Z. John, and Dongsheng Zhou, 2010, The Art of Price War: A Perspective From China, International Journal of China Marketing

2. White, Michelle J., and Ning Zhu, 2010, Saving your Home in Chapter 13 Bankruptcy, Journal of Legal Studies

3. 许多奇, 2010, 论我国农业税费改革之政治启动与经济治理, 上海交通大学学报(哲学社会科学版)

4. 许多奇, 2010, 中国“缩差型”社会保障再分配模式的选择, 中国社会科学报

5. 许多奇, 2010, 从税收优惠到全面社会保障——以残疾人权利的倾斜性配置为视角, 法学评论

6. 许多奇,杨州, 2010, 公益信托灾害救济的税法扶持与规制, 法学

7. 朱克江, 2009, 依靠科技培育发展战略性新兴产业的实践与思考, 科技日报

8. Bates, Timothy, and William D. Bradford, 2009, The Impact of Institutional Sources of Capital Upon the Minority-Oriented Venture Capital Industry, Small Business Economics

9. DeCroix, Gregory A., Jing-Sheng Song, and Paul H. Zipkin, 2009, Managing an Assemble-to-Order System with Returns, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management

10. He, Zhiguo, 2009, The Sale of Multiple Assets with Private Information, The Review of Financial Studies
