Affiliate Professor

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    Phyllis Liu

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  • Research Interests

    Corporate Finance, Risk Management, Corporate Governance, Market Microstructure, and Empirical Asset Pricing

Dr. Zhang is an Affiliate Professor at the Shanghai Advanced Institute of Finance (SAIF) at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, and Professor of Finance at William Paterson University. She was an Assistant Professor at Long Island University and the University of New Orleans.

Professor Zhang's primary research interests encompass corporate finance, risk management, market microstructure, and empirical asset pricing. She has published over 20 research articles in highly esteemed academic journals, including Management Science, Journal of Risk and Insurance, Journal of Portfolio Management, China Economic Review, and Journal of Policy Modeling. Her papers have been recognized with the American Financial Management Association's risk management project best paper award. Professor Zhang also served as Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Finance.

During her tenure as Honorary Student Director of Business, Professor Zhang guided students in collaborating with local enterprises in the United States, participating in projects such as IBM profit management and manipulation problems, auto parts sales enterprise consulting, and chain kindergarten financing development. Professor Zhang has provided consulting services to private equity funds and has also served as a partner in multinational education and training institutions.

Journal Publications

1. Xu, Lianzan, Francis Cai, and Ge Zhang, 2022, Hybrid Earnings Management in the Pre- and Post-SOX Eras, International Journal of Finance & Economics.

2. Nam, Jouahn, Joseph Bon Sesay, Kevin Wynne, and Ge Zhang, 2020, Financial efficiency and accounting quality: The impact of institutional micro-factors on FDI, Journal of Policy Modeling.

3. Zhang, Ge, Francis Cai, and Lianzan Xu, 2019, Institutional Trading and Stock Pinning, Journal of international finance and economics.

4. Hessel, Christopher, Jouahn Nam, Jun Wang, Cunyu Xing, and Ge Zhang, 2018, Shorting Leveraged ETF Pairs, Journal of Trading.

5. Cai, Francis, and Ge Zhang, 2018, The Determinants of Life Expectancy—A Case of Four Largest Cities in China, Journal of Applied Business and Economics .

6. Nam, Jouahn, Jun Wang, Cunyu Xing, and Ge Zhang, 2018, Are Hated Stocks Good Investments?, North American Journal of Economics and Finance.

7. Zhang, Ge, Haiyang Chen, and Francis Cai, 2015, Weekly Options on Stock Pinning, The Journal of Business and Economic Studies.

8. Zhang, Ge, Haiyang Chen, and Francis Cai, 2014, Stock Clustering Effect from Weekly Equity Options, Journal of Economics, Business and Management.

9. Bian, Jiangze, Jun Wang, and Ge Zhang, 2012, Chinese Block Transactions and the Market Reaction, China Economic Review.

10. Lu, Lei, Jun Wang, and Ge Zhang, 2012, Long term performance of leveraged ETFs, Financial Services Review.

11. Nam, Jouahn, Jun Wang, and Ge Zhang, 2010, The impact of dividend tax cuts and managerial stock holdings on corporate dividend policy, Global Finance Journal.

12. Francis, Jack, Christopher Hessel, Jun Wang, and Ge Zhang, 2010, Portfolios weighted by repurchase and total payout, The Journal of Portfolio Management.

13. Nam, Jouahn, Jun Wang and Ge Zhang, 2008, Management career concerns and risk management, Journal of Risk and Insurance.

14. Nam, Jouahn, Jun Wang, and Ge Zhang, 2008, Strategic trading against retail investors with loss-aversion, International Review of Economics & Finance.

15. Zhang, Ge, 2006, Market Valuation and Employee Stock Options, Management Science.
