Liyan Yang is a Visiting Professor at Shanghai Advanced Institute of Finance (SAIF)Professor of Finance and Peter L. Mitchelson/SIT Investment Associates Foundation Chair in Investment Strategy at the Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto. His research interests are in financial markets, asset pricing and behavioral finance.

He is currently serving as an associate editor at Journal of Finance, Journal of Economic Theory, Journal of Financial Markets, and Management Science. His research has appeared in Journal of Economic Theory, Journal of Financial Economics, Journal of Finance, and Review of Financial Studies, etc.

Professor Yang has received the 2016 JFQA William F. Sharpe Award for Scholarship in Financial Research, the 2016 Bank of Canada's Governor's Award, the 2015 Roger Martin Award for Excellence in Research, among others. 

Professor Yang received PhD in Economics from Cornell University in 2010.

Journal Publications

3. Jordi Mondria, Xavier Vives, Liyan Yang, 2022, Costly Interpretation of Asset Prices , Management Science.

2. Yang, Liyan, and Haoxiang Zhu, 2021, Strategic Trading When Central Bank Intervention Is Predictable , Review of Asset Pricing Studies.

1. Huang, Shiyang, Yan Xiong, and Liyan Yang, 2021, Skill Acquisition and Data Sales, Management Science.

4. HUANG Shiyang, Zhigang Qiu, and Liyan Yang, 2020, Institutionalization, Delegation, and Asset Prices, Journal of Economic Theory.

6. Goldstein, Itay, and Liyan Yang, 2019, Good Disclosure, Bad Disclosure, Journal of Financial Economics.

5. YANG, Liyan, and Haoxiang Zhu, 2019, Back-Running: Seeking and Hiding Fundamental Information in Order Flows, Review of Financial Studies.

7. Bova, Francesco, and Liyan Yang, 2018, State-Owned Enterprises, Competition, and Disclosure, Contemporary Accounting Research.

10. Goldstein, Itay, and Liyan Yang, 2017, Information Disclosure in Financial Markets, Annual Review of Financial Economics.

9. Bova, Francesco, and Liyan Yang, 2017, Employee Bargaining Power, Inter-Firm Competition, and Equity-Based Compensation, Journal of Financial Economics.

8. Yang, Liyan, and Haoxiang Zhu, 2017, Non-Fundamental Speculation Revisited, Journal of Finance.

11. Cen, Ling, K.C. John Wei, and Liyan Yang, 2017, Disagreement, Underreaction, and Stock Returns, Management Science.

13. Han, Bing, Ya Tang, and Liyan Yang, 2016, Public Information and Uninformed Trading: Implications for Market Liquidity and Price Efficiency, Journal of Economic Theory.

12. Easley, David, Maureen O'Hara, and Liyan Yang, 2016, Differential Access to Price Information in Financial Markets, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis.

15. Goldstein, Itay, and Liyan Yang, 2015, Information Diversity and Complementarities in Trading and Information Acquisition, Journal of Finance.

14. Easley, David, and Liyan Yang, 2015, Loss Aversion, Survival, and Asset Prices, Journal of Economic Theory.

18. Indjejukian, Raffi, Hai Lu, and Liyan Yang, 2014, Rational Information Leakage, Management Science.

17. Goldstein, Itay, Yan Li, and Liyan Yang, 2014, Speculation and Hedging in Segmented Markets, Review of Financial Studies.

16. Easley, David, Maureen O'Hara, and Liyan Yang, 2014, Opaque Trading, Disclosure, and Asset Prices: Implications for Hedge Fund Regulation, Review of Financial Studies.

20. LI, Yan, and Liyan Yang, 2013, Asset-Pricing Implications of Dividend Volatility, Management Science.

19. Li, Yan, and Liyan Yang, 2013, Prospect Theory, the Disposition Effect, and Asset Prices, Journal of Financial Economics.

22. Han, Bing, and Liyan Yang, 2013, Social Networks, Information Acquisition, and Asset Prices, Management Science.

21. Cen, Ling, Hai Lu, and Liyan Yang, 2013, Investor Sentiment, Disagreement, and the Breadth-Return Relationship, Management Science.

23. Li, Yan, and Liyan Yang, 2011, Testing Conditional-Factor Models: A Nonparametric Approach, Journal of Empirical Finance.

25. Tian, Guoqiang, and Liyan Yang, 2009, Theory of Negative Consumption Externalities with Applications to the Economics of Happiness, Economic Theory.

24. Yang, Liyan, and Jayant V. Ganguli, 2009, Complementarities, Multiplicity, and Supply Information, Journal of the European Economic Association.
