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YAN, Hong
Chair Professor of Finance, Deputy Dean of Academic Affairs and Faculty, GES Program Academic Director
Support Staff:
Xiaoyin Zhao
Support Staff Email:
xyzhao2@saif.sjtu.edu.cnResearch Interests
Asset pricing: corporate decisions and security returns; information and learning in financial markets; credit risk and returns on stocks and bonds; market liquidity; financial derivatives and risk management; portfolio choice, machine learning. Financial intermediaries: mutual funds, hedge funds, and financial analysts. Emerging markets: financial market development, role of foreign and/or institutional investors in these markets, especially in China, innovation finance. Sustainable finance: climate finance, carbon trade market, green finance, ESG.
Hong Yan is Chair Professor of Finance at Shanghai Advanced Institute of Finance (SAIF), Shanghai Jiao Tong University, where he serves as the Deputy Dean of Academic Affairs and Faculty, the Academic Director of the Global Executive Scholars Program (GES), and the Director of China Hedge Fund Research Center and Center for Sustainable Investment . Before he joined SAIF full-time, Prof. Yan was a tenured faculty member at the Darla Moore School of Business in the University of South Carolina, USA. Previously, he was on the faculty at the University of Texas at Austin and spent a year as a visiting academic scholar at the U.S. Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC). He also held visiting appointments at the University of Hong Kong, the U.S. Federal Reserve Board and Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business.
Professor Yan holds a Ph.D. in Finance from the University of California, Berkeley, and a Ph.D. in Applied Physics from the University of Michigan. His research focuses on the areas of credit risk, asset pricing, derivatives securities, and investment management. He also studies financial intermediaries such as mutual funds, hedge funds and financial analysts. Prof. Yan has published in top academic journals such as Journal of Finance, Journal of Financial Economics, and Review of Financial Studies. His research has been recognized by a Q-group Grant in 2007, the Crowell Prize in Investment Management in 2010 and a number of Best Paper Awards at international academic conferences.
Professor Yan served from 2012 to 2018 as a Managing Editor of the International Review of Finance, the journal for the Asian Finance Association and the Nippon Finance Association. He chaired the program committee for the China International Conference in Finance (CICF) in 2013 and 2014, and has served on program committees for several major international conferences. He reviews manuscripts for more than twenty internationally renowned academic journals in economics and finance. In addition, he sits on the advisory boards of several academic and financial institutions.
Journal Publications
1. Huang, Jennifer, Wei, Kelsey D. and Yan, Hong, 2022, Investor learning and mutual fund flows, Financial Management.
2. Shan, Chenyu, Dragon Yongjun Tang, Hong Yan, and Xing (Alex) Zhou, 2021, Credit Default Swaps and Bank Regulatory Capital, Review of Finance.
3. Tang, Dragon Yongjun, and Hong Yan, 2017, Understanding transactions prices in the credit default swaps market, Journal of Financial Markets.
4. Murray Carlson, David A. Chapman, Ron Kaniel, Hong Yan, 2017, Specification Error, Estimation Risk, and Conditional Portfolio Rules, International Review of Finance.
5. Carlson, Murray, David Chapman, Ron Kaniel, and Hong Yan, 2015, Asset Return Predictability in a Heterogeneous Agent Equilibrium Model, Quarterly Journal of Finance.
6. Tang, Dragon Yongjun, Feng Tian, and Hong Yan, 2015, Internal Control Quality and Credit Default Swap Spreads, Accounting Horizons.
7. Garlappi, Lorenzo and Hong Yan, 2011, Financial Distress and the Cross-section of Equity Returns, Journal of Finance.
8. Tang, Dragon and Hong Yan, 2010, Market Conditions, Default Risk and Credit Spreads, Journal of Banking & Finance.
9. Yan, Hong, 2009, Estimation Uncertainty and the Equity Premium, International Review of Finance.
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