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WANG, Yongxiang
Chair Professor of Finance
Support Staff:
Phyllis Liu
Support Staff Email:
yjliu@saif.sjtu.edu.cnResearch Interests
Empirical Corporate Finance, Political Economy, Organizational Economics, Economic History, The Chinese Economy.
Dr. Yongxiang Wang is a Chair Professor of Finance at the Shanghai Advanced Institute of Finance (SAIF) at Shanghai Jiao Tong University. He previously held a tenured position as an Associate Professor of Finance at the Marshall School of Business, University of Southern California.
Professor Wang's research interests span empirical corporate finance, political economy, organizational economics, behavioral economics, and corporate strategy in emerging markets, with a primary focus on the Chinese economy and financial markets. He has published over 20 high-quality articles in prestigious international journals, including the Journal of Political Economy, American Economic Review, Review of Economic Studies, American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, Journal of Financial Economics, Review of Financial Studies, Administrative Science Quarterly, Management Science, Strategic Management Journal, and Journal of Accounting and Economics.
Professor Wang serves as an Associate Editor at Review of Economics and Statistics, Review of Finance, Management Science, Journal of Corporate Finance, and China Economic Review. He is also a frequent referee for top-tier journals in Economics, Finance, Accounting, Management, Sociology, Political Science, and Science. His research projects have received support from NSF grants in the USA, the United Kingdom, Australia, and China. His work has been featured in Science, The Wall Street Journal, Business Week, The Economist, The New York Times, and China Daily. Professor Wang was awarded the SAIF Faculty Academic Research Award in 2023.
Journal Publications
1. Shuo Chen, Raymond Fisman, Xiaohuan Lan, Yongxiang Wang and Qing Ye, 2024, The costs and benefits of clan culture: Elite control versus cooperation in China, Journal of Law, Economics and Organization.
2. Fisman, Ray, Wei Huang, Bo Ning, Yue Pan, Jiaping Qiu and Yongxiang Wang, 2023, Superstition and Risk Taking: Evidence from "Zodiac Year" Beliefs in China, Management Science.
3. Yongxiang Wang, 2023, Book Review of "Work Safety Regulation in China: The CCP’s Fatality Quota System" by Jie Gao, China Journal.
4. Y. Cao, R. Fisman, H. Lin, and YX Wang, 2023, SOEs and Soft Incentive Constraints in State Lending, American Economic Journal: Economic Policy.
5. Decarolis, Francesco, Raymond Fisman, Paolo Pinotti, Silvia Vannutelli, and Yongxiang Wang, 2023, Gender and Bureaucratic Corruption: Evidence from Two Countries, Journal of Law, Economics and Organization.
6. Zhiguo He and Yongxiang Wang, 2022, Introduction: Special Issue on China I, Review of Finance.
7. R. Fisman, H. Lin, C. Sun, Yongxiang Wang, and D. Zhao, 2021, What motivates non-democratic leadership: Evidence from COVID-19 reopenings in China, Journal of Public Economics.
8. A. V. Chari, E. Liu, S. Wang and Y.Wang, 2021, Property Rights, Land Misallocation, and Agricultural Efficiency in China, The Review of Economic Studies.
9. R. Dong, R. Fisman, Y. Wang and N. Xu, 2021, Air Pollution, Affect, and Forecasting Bias: Evidence from Chinese Financial Analysts, Journal of Financial Economics.
10. Chu, Jian; Fisman, Raymond; Tan, Songtao; Wang, Yongxiang, 2021, Hometown Ties and the Quality of Government Monitoring: Evidence from Rotation of Chinese Auditors, American Economic Journal: Applied Economics.
11. Fisman, Raymond, Jing Shi, Yongxiang Wang, and Weixing Wu, 2020, Social Ties and the Selection of China's Political Elite, American Economic Review.
12. Jia, Nan, Jing Shi, Changyun Wang, and Yongxiang Wang, 2020, Parasites and Paragons: Ownership Reform and Concentrated Interest among Minority Shareholders, Journal of Management Studies.
13. N. Jia, J. Shi and Yongxiang Wang, 2018, Value Creation and Value Capture in Governing Shareholder Relationships, Strategic Management Journal.
14. Chen, Yi-Chun, Mingyi Hung, Yongxiang Wang, 2018, The Effect of Mandatory CSR Disclosure on Firm Profitability and Social Externalities: Evidence from China, Journal of Accounting & Economics.
15. Kinnan, Cynthia, Shingyi Wang, and Yongxiang Wang, 2018, Access to Migration for Rural Households, American Economic Journal: Applied Economics.
16. Chang, Tom, Wei Huang, and Yongxiang Wang, 2018, Something in the Air: Pollution and the Demand for Health Insurance, The Review of Economic Studies.
17. Fisman, Raymond, Jing Shi, Yongxiang Wang, and Rong Xu, 2018, Social Ties and Favoritism in Chinese Science, Journal of Political Economy.
18. Fisman, R., Y.Wang, 2017, The Distortionary Effects of Incentives in Government: Evidence from China's Death Ceiling Program, American Economic Journal: Applied Economics.
19. H. Haveman, N. Jia, J. Shi and Yongxiang Wang, 2017, The Dynamics of Political Embeddedness in China, Administrative Science Quarterly.
20. Fisman, Raymond, and Yongxiang Wang, 2015, The Mortality Cost of Political Connections, The Review of Economic Studies.
21. Fisman, Raymond, and Yongxiang Wang, 2015, Corruption in Chinese privatizations, Journal of Law, Economics and Organization.
22. Fisman, Raymond, Yasushi Hamao, and Yongxiang Wang, 2014, Nationalism and economic exchange: Evidence from shocks to Sino-Japanese relations, Review of Financial Studies.
23. N. Jia, J. Shi, and Y. Wang, 2013, Coinsurance within Business Groups: Evidence from Related Party Transactions in an Emerging Market, Management Science.
24. Heather Haveman and Yongxiang Wang, 2012, Going (more) public: Institutional Isomorphism and Ownership Reform among Chinese Firms, Management and Organization Review.
25. D. Fisman, R. Fisman, J. Galef, R. Khurana and Yongxiang Wang, 2012, Estimating the value of connections to Vice-President Cheney, B E Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy.
26. Thomas Catherine and Yongxiang Wang, 2011, When Managers Can't Commit: Capital Structure under Inalienable Managerial Entrenchment, Economics Letters.
27. C. Calomiris, R. Fisman and Y.Wang, 2010, Profiting from government stakes in a command economy: Evidence from Chinese asset sales, Journal of Financial Economics.
28. Raymond Fisman and Yongxiang Wang, 2010, Trading favors within Chinese business groups, American Economic Review.
29. Weixing Wu and Yongxiang Wang, 2005, Investment with Restricted Stock and the Value of Information, Applied Mathematics and Computation.
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