
Latest Publications

1. Chao, Xiuli, Baimei Yang, and Yifan Xu, 2012, Dynamic inventory and pricing policy in a capacitated stochastic inventory system with fixed ordering cost, Operations Research Letters

2. Boyle, Phelim, Lorenzo Garlappi, Raman Uppal, and Tan Wang, 2012, Keynes Meets Markowitz: The Tradeoff Between Familiarity and Diversification, Management Science

3. Hirshleifer, David, Kewei Hou, and Siew Hong Teoh, 2012, The Accrual Anomaly: Risk or Mispricing?, Management Science

4. Bilotkach, Volodymyr, Joseph A. Clougherty, Juergen Mueller, and Anming Zhang, 2012, Regulation, Privatization, and Aeronautical Charges: Panel Data Evidence from European Airports, Journal of Regulatory Economics

5. Waggoner, Daniel F., and Tao Zha, 2012, Confronting Model Misspecification in Macroeconomics, Journal of Econometrics

6. Wan, Yulai, and Anming Zhang, 2012, Impacts of Emission Trading Schemes on Airline Network Structure, Review of Transport Economics and Logistics

7. Zheng Liu, Mark Spiegel, 2012, External Shocks and China’s Monetary Policy, Economics Letters

8. Leduc, Sylvain, and Zheng Liu, 2012, Uncertainty, Unemployment, and Inflation, Economics Letters

9. Ozdenoren, Emre, Stephen Salantz, and Dan Silverman, 2012, Willpower and the Optimal Control of Visceral Urges, Journal of the European Economic Association

10. Ferreyra, Maria Marta, and Pierre Jinghong Liang , 2012, Information asymmetry and equilibrium monitoring in education, Journal of Public Economics
