
Latest Publications

1. Jeske, Karsten, and Zheng Liu, 2013, Should the Central Bank be Concerned about Housing Prices?, Macroeconomic Dynamics

2. Leduc, Sylvian, and Zheng Liu, 2013, Uncertainty and the Slow Labor Market Recovery , Economics Letters

3. Wan, Yulai, and Anming Zhang, 2013, Urban Road Congestion and Seaport Competition, Journal of Transport Economics and Policy

4. Chen, Yan, Peter Katuščák, and Emre Ozdenoren, 2013, Why can't a woman bid more like a man?, Games and Economic Behavior

5. Loren Brandt, Trevor Tombe and Xiaodong Zhu, 2013, Factor Market Distortions Across Time, Space and Sectors in China, Review of Economic Dynamics

6. Dennis Tao Yang and Xiaodong Zhu, 2013, Modernization of Agriculture and Long-Term Growth, Journal of Monetary Economics

7. Feng Wu, Zhengfei Guan, Fan Yu,and Robert J.Myers, 2013, The spillover effects of biofuel policy on participation in the conservation reserve program, Journal of Economic Dynamics & Control

8. NULL, 2013, An Empirical Study of Framing Effects in Congestion Management Policies, Review of Transport Economics and Logistics

9. Chang, Eric C., Yan Luo, and Jinjuan Ren, 2013, Cross-listing and pricing efficiency: The informational and anchoring role played by the reference price, Journal of Banking & Finance

10. Chang, Eric C., Jin E. Zhang and Huimin Zhao, 2013, The Relation between Physical and Risk-Neutral Cumulants, International Review of Finance
