
Latest Publications

1. Murray Z. Frank, Tao Shen, 2016, Investment and theWeighted Average Cost of Capital, Journal of Financial Economics

2. Cao, Charles, Bradley A. Goldie, Bing Liang, and Lubomir Petrasek, 2016, What Is the Nature of Hedge Fund Manager Skills? Evidence from the Risk-Arbitrage Strategy, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis

3. Chen, Hong, and Heng-Qing Ye, 2016, An Examination of Some Factory Physics Principles, Journal of the Operations Research Society of China

4. Bhimani, S., and Jing-Sheng Song, 2016, Gaps between research and practice in humanitarian logistics, Journal of Applied Business and Economics

5. Joshi, Yogesh V., David J. Reibstein, Z. John Zhang, 2016, Turf Wars: Product Line Strategies in Markets with Preference Based Segmentation, Marketing Science

6. 许多奇,葛明瑜, 2016, 论股权众筹的法律规制——从“全国首例众筹融资案”谈起, 学习与探索

7. 许多奇, 2016, “互联网金融”定义刍议, 文汇报 理论版·文汇学人第3版

8. 许多奇,肖凯, 2016, 互联网金融与好的社会, 检察风云

9. Jagannathana, Ravi, David A. Matsa, Iwan Meier, and Vefa Tarhan, 2016, Why Do Firms Use High Discount Rates?, Journal of Financial Economics

10. 刘元秀、胡援成、吴飞, 2016, 管理者职业经历影响公司现金持有水平吗?——来自我国沪深两市2006—2013年经验证据, 经济管理
