
Latest Publications

1. Yao, David D.W., M. L. Chaudhry, and J.G.C. Templeton, 1984, On bounds for bulk arrival queues, European Journal of Operational Research

2. Turksen, I. B., and David D. W. Yao, 1984, Representations of connectives in fuzzy reasoning: The view through normal forms, Ieee Transactions on Systems Man Cybernetics-Systems

3. G.Zhou, Chiding Kang, 1983, On Giuga's Conjecture and a Necessary and Sufficient Condition for Mersenne's Numbers to be Prime, Mathematical Monthly, Chinese Mathematical Society

4. G.Zhou, Chiding Kang, 1983, On the Diophantine Equation ∑_(k=1)^m?〖k^n=〖(m+1)〗^n 〗, Journal of Mathematical Research and Exposition

5. Mark Grinblatt,Sheridan Titman, 1983, Factor Pricing in a Finite Economy, Journal of Financial Economics

6. Lee, Cheng F., and Son-Nan Chen, 1983, A Random Coefficient Model for Re-examining Risk Decomposition Method and Risk-Return Relationship Test : A reply, Quarterly Review of Economics and Business

7. Chen, Son-Nan, and Stephen J. Brown, 1983, Estimation Risk and Simple Rules for Optimal Portfolio Selection, The Journal of Finance

8. Chen, Son-Nan, and William T. Moore, 1983, Project Abandonment Under Uncertainty: A Bayesian Approach, Financial Review

9. Moore, William T., and Son-Nan Chen, 1983, The Value of Perfect Information in Capital Budgeting Decisions with Unknown Cash Flow Parameters, Engineering Economist

10. Saar, Shalom Saul, 1983, Evaluation of Services at the Local Level: An Integrated Approach, Municipal Management
