
Latest Publications

1. Yao, David D., 1987, The Arrangement of Servers in an Ordered-Entry System, Operations Research

2. Yao, David D, and S. C. Kim, 1987, Reducing the Congestion in a Class of Job Shops, Management Science

3. David D. Yao, 1987, Comparing ordered-entry queues with heterogeneous servers, Queueing Systems: Theory and Applications

4. Shanthikumar, J. George, and David D. Yao, 1987, Optimal Server Allocation in a System of Multi-Server Stations, Management Science

5. Yao, David D., and J. A. Buzacott, 1987, Modeling a Class of Flexible Manufacturing Systems with Reversible Routing, Operations Research

6. Shanthikumar, J. George, and David D. Yao, 1987, Stochastic Monotonicity of the Queue Lengths in Closed Queueing Networks, Operations Research

7. Yao, David D., 1987, Majorization and arrangement orderings in open queueing networks, Annals of Operations Research

8. Yao, David D., and J. George Shanthikumar, 1987, The Optimal Input Rates To A System Of Manufacturing Cells, INFOR

9. Yao, David D., and Sung Chul Kim, 1987, Some order relations in closed networks of queues with multiserver stations, Naval Research Logistics

10. T. Chi, J.J. Liu and Hong Chen, 1987, Optimal Stopping Rule for a Project with Uncertain Completion Time and Salvageability, Ieee Transactions on Engineering Management
