
Latest Publications

1. David D. Yao, 1989, Stochastic Monotonicity in General Queueing Networks, Journal of Applied Probability

2. Ross, K.W., and D.D. Yao, 1989, Optimal dynamic scheduling in Jackson networks, Ieee Transactions on Automatic Control

3. H. Chen, 1989, Optimal Intensity Control of a Multi-Class Queue, Queueing Systems: Theory and Applications

4. Chang, Eric C., 1988, A Monthly Effect in Commodity Price Changes: A Note, Journal of Futures Markets

5. Frank, Murray, Ramazan Gencay, and Thanasis Stengos, 1988, International Chaos?, European Economic Review

6. Chang, Eric C. and J. Michael Pinegar, 1988, A Fundamental Study of Seasonal Risk-Return Relationship: A Note, The Journal of Finance

7. Frank, Murray, and Thanasis Stengos, 1988, Chaotic Dynamics in Economic Time-Series, Journal of Economic Surveys

8. Titman, Sheridan, and Roberto Wessels, 1988, The Determinants of Capital Structure Choice, The Journal of Finance

9. 朱克江, 1988, 社会主义生产关系下的人与自然环境的关系, 江苏社会科学

10. Chang, Eric C. and J. Michael Pinegar, 1988, Does the Market Reward Risk Bearing in Months Other Than January? Evidence from the Bond and Stock Markets, The Journal of Portfolio Management
