
Latest Publications

1. V. V. Chari , Larry E. Jones, and Ravi Jagannathan, 1990, Price Stability and Futures Trading in Commodities, Journal of Economics

2. Sheridan Titman, 1990, The Impact of Debt on Management Incentives, Investment Performance and Economic Impact

3. Zhou, Lin, 1990, On A Conjecture by Gale About One-Sided Matching Problems, Journal of Economic Theory

4. Safra, Zvi, Itzhak Zilcha, and Lin Zhou, 1990, Risk Aversion in The Nash Bargaining Problem with Risky Outcomes and Risky Disagreement Points, Econometrica

5. Chang, Eric C., and J. Michael Pinegar, 1990, Stock Market Seasonals and Prespecified Multifactor Pricing Relations, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis

6. Brauer, A. Gregory, and Eric C. Chang, 1990, Return Seasonality in Stocks and Their Underlying Assets: Tax Loss Selling versus Information Explanations, The Review of Financial Studies

7. Chang, Eric C., and J. Michael Pinegar, 1990, Another Look at Risk and Reward in January and Non-January Months: Response, The Journal of Portfolio Management

8. Chang, Eric C., Chao Chen and Son Nan Chen, 1990, Risk and Return in Copper, Platinum, and Silver Futures, Journal of Futures Markets

9. Chang, Eric, Chao Chen, and Son-Nan Chen, 1990, Risk and Return in Copper, Platinum and Silver Futures, Journal of Futures Markets

10. Chao, Xiuli, and Michael Pinedo, 1990, On Two Servers in Tandem with No Intermediate Buffer and Batches Arriving According to a Poisson Process, Stochastic Models
