
Latest Publications

1. Chao, Xiuli, W Henderson, and P. G. Taylor, 2001, State-Dependent Coupling in General Networks, Queueing Systems: Theory and Applications

2. Chen, Fangruo, and Jing-Sheng Song, 2001, Optimal Policies for Multi-echelon Inventory Problems with Markov-modulated Demand, Operations Research

3. H. Ye, H. Chen, 2001, Lyapunov Function as a Necessary and Sufficient Condition for the Stability of Fluid Networks, Operations Research Letters

4. 许多奇, 2001, 中央银行独立性的法律探析, 经济法论丛

5. 许多奇, 2001, 微软案判决(一):美国哥伦比亚联邦地区法院最终判决, 经济法论丛

6. Chao, Xiuli, and C. Scott, 2000, Several Results on Queueing System Designs, Operations Research

7. Chao, Xiuli, and Masakiyo Miyazawa, 2000, ON TRUNCATION PROPERTIES OF FINITE-BUFFER QUEUES AND QUEUEING NETWORKS, Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences

8. Liang, Pierre Jinghong, 2000, Accounting Recognition, Moral Hazard, and Communication, Contemporary Accounting Research

9. Narasimhan, Chakravarthi, and Z. John Zhang, 2000, Market Entry Strategy Under Firm Heterogeneity and Asymmetric Payoffs, Marketing Science

10. Shaffer, Greg, and Z. John Zhang, 2000, Pay to Switch or Pay to Stay: Preference-Based Price Discrimination in Markets with Switching Costs, Journal of Economics & Management Strategy
