
Latest Publications

1. Song, J.S. and D. D. Yao, 2002, Performance Analysis and Optimization of Assemble-to-Order Systems with Random Lead Times, Operations Research

2. Zhang, Anming, and Yimin Zhang, 2002, Issues on Liberalization of Air Cargo Services in International Aviation, Journal of Air Transport Management

3. Shaffer, Greg, and Z. John Zhang, 2002, Competitive One-to-One Promotions, Management Science

4. Feinberg, Fred, Aradhna Krishna and Z. John Zhang, 2002, Do We Care What Others Get? A Behaviorist Approach to Targeted Promotions, Journal of Marketing Research

5. Liu, Hong, and Mark Loewenstein, 2002, Optimal Portfolio Selection with Transaction Costs and Finite Horizons, The Review of Financial Studies

6. Zhang, Anming, and Hongmin Chen, 2002, Horizontal Mergers in a Liberalizing World Economy, Pacific Economic Review

7. Penman, Stephen H., and Xiao-Jun Zhang, 2002, Accounting Conservatism, the Quality of Earnings, and Stock Returns, The Accounting Review

8. Zhang, Xiao-Jun, 2002, Revenue Recognition in a Multiperiod Agency Model, Journal of Accounting Research

9. Essegaier, Skander, Sunil Gupta, and Z. John Zhang, 2002, Pricing Access Services, Marketing Science

10. Kalay, Avner, Li Wei, and Avi Woh, 2002, Continuous Trading or Call Auction: Revealed Preferences of Investors at the TASE, The Journal of Finance
