
Latest Publications

1. Chao, Xiuli, and Hsing Paul Luh, 2004, A Stochastic Directional Convexity Result and Its Application in Comparison of Queues, Queueing Systems: Theory and Applications

2. Choi, Ki-Seok, J. G. Dai, and Jing-Sheng Song, 2004, On Measuring Supplier Performance under Vendor-managed-inventory Programs in Capacitated Supply Chains, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management

3. Glasserman, Paul, and David D. Yao, 2004, Optimal couplings are totally positive and more, Journal of Applied Probability

4. Zhang, Anming, Yer Van Hui, and Lawrence Leung, 2004, Air Cargo Alliances and Competition in Passenger Market, Transportation Research Part E-Logistics and Transportation Review

5. H. Chen , M. Frank, 2004, Monopoly Pricing when Customer Queues, Iie Transactions

6. 许多奇, 2004, 债法现代化的法理基础与债权地位提升, 法律科学

7. 许多奇, 2004, 保理融资的本质特色及其法律规制, 中南财经政法大学学报

8. 许多奇, 2004, 资产证券化中的债权让与法律问题, 武汉大学学报(哲学社会科学版)

9. 许多奇, 2004, 英美金融监管制度改革及我国之借鉴, 法学

10. Bradford, William D., 2003, The Savings and Credit Management of Low-Income, Low-Wealth Black and White Families, Economic Development Quarterly
