
Latest Publications

1. Hong, Harrison, and Jeremy C. Stein, 2007, Disagreement and the Stock Market, Journal of Economic Perspectives

2. Vayanos, Dimitri, and Tan Wang, 2007, Search and Endogenous Concentration of Liquidity in Asset Markets, Journal of Economic Theory

3. Hamilton, James D., Daniel F. Waggoner, and Tao Zha, 2007, Normalization in Econometrics, Econometric Reviews

4. Zha, Tao, 2007, Comment on An and Schorfheide‘s Bayesian Analysis of DSGE Models, Econometric Reviews

5. Zhang, Anming, Chunmei Lang, Y. V. Hui, and Lawrence Leung, 2007, Intermodal Alliance and Rivalry of Transport Chains: The Air Cargo Market, Transportation Research Part E-Logistics and Transportation Review

6. Basso, Leonardo, and Anming Zhang, 2007, Congestible Facility Rivalry in Vertical Structures, Journal of Urban Economics

7. Bradford, William D. , 2007, Distinguishing Economically from Legally Formal Firms: Targeting Business Support to Entrepreneurs in South Africa’s Townships, Journal of Small Business Management

8. L. Phaneuf,Zheng Liu, 2007, Technology Shocks and Labor Market Dynamics: Some Evidence and Theory, Journal of Monetary Economics

9. Huang, Kevin X.D, and Zheng Liu, 2007, Business Cycles with Staggered Prices and International Trade in Intermediate Inputs, Journal of Monetary Economics

10. Xu, Yongsheng, and Lin Zhou, 2007, Rationalizability of Choice Functions by Game Trees, Journal of Economic Theory
