
Latest Publications

1. Xu, Yifan, and Xiuli Chao, 2009, DYNAMIC PRICING AND INVENTORY CONTROL FOR A PRODUCTION SYSTEM WITH AVERAGE PROFIT CRITERION, Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences

2. Bernstein, Fernando, Jing-Sheng Song, and Xiaona Zheng, 2009, Free Riding in a Multi-channel Supply Chain, Naval Research Logistics

3. Chi-Lok, Andrew Yuen, and Anming Zhang, 2009, Effects of Competition and Policy Changes on Chinese Airport Productivity: An Empirical Investigation, Journal of Air Transport Management

4. Chao, Xiuli, Hong Chen, and Shaohui Zheng, 2009, Dynamic Capacity Expansion for a Service Firm with Capacity Deterioration and Supply Uncertainty, Operations Research

5. Chen, Yuxin, Yogesh V. Joshi, Jagmohan S. Raju, and Z. John Zhang, 2009, A Theory of Combative Advertising, Marketing Science

6. Chen, Xinlei (Jack), George John, Julie M. Hays, Arthur V. Hill, and Susan E. Geurs, 2009, Learning from A Service Guarantee Quasi-Experiment, Journal of Marketing Research

7. Chen, Yuxin, and Z. John Zhang, 2009, Dynamic Targeted Pricing with Strategic Consumers, International Journal of Industrial Organization

8. Zhang, H., Y. Xu, and Jun Zhang, 2009, Reproducing kernel Banach spaces for machine learning, Journal of Machine Learning Research

9. Zhang, Jun, K.C. Berridge, A.J. Tindell, K.S. Smith, and J.W. Aldridge, 2009, A Neural Computational Model of Incentive Salience, Plos Computational Biology

10. Duoqi Xu, and Kai Xiao, 2009, A Comparison of Tax Planning in China and U.S, Tax Notes International
