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CHENG, Shijun
Executive Dean, Chair Professor of Accounting
Support Staff:
Xiaoyin Zhao
Support Staff Email:
xyzhao2@saif.sjtu.edu.cnResearch Interests
Corporate Governance, Ownership Structure, Compensation and Incentives, Managerial Accounting.
Dr. Shijun Cheng is the Executive Dean, Chair Professor of Accounting at the Shanghai Advanced Institute of Finance, Shanghai Jiao Tong University. He earned his D.Eng. in Industrial Management Engineering from Shanghai Jiao Tong University, and his Ph.D. in Accounting from the University of Pittsburgh. Previously he was on the faculty of the Stephen M. Ross School of Business, University of Michigan, and the Robert H. Smith School of Business, University of Maryland (with tenure), and was the Dean of the School of Management, Jinan University, Guangzhou.
Dr. Cheng focuses his research on corporate governance, ownership structure, compensation and incentives, and managerial accounting. His research has been published in top academic journals such as The Accounting Review, Contemporary Accounting Research, Review of Financial Studies, and Journal of Financial Economics. He serves or has served on the editorial boards of Contemporary Accounting Research and China Journal of Accounting Research, and on the first academic committee of China Industrial Economics.
Dr. Cheng has taught Managerial Accounting, Financial Accounting, Essentials of Accounting for Decision Makers, Performance Measurement and Compensation Design, Ownership Structure, and Corporate Governance for doctoral, masters and undergraduate programs as well as non-degree programs.
Journal Publications
1. Cao, Yi, Shijun Cheng, Jenny Tucker, Chi Wan, 2023, Technological Peer Pressure and Skill Specificity of Job Postings, Contemporary Accounting Research.
2. Cheng, Shijun, Robert Felix, and Raffi Indjejikian, 2019, Spillover Effects of Internal Control Weakness Disclosures: The Role of Audit Committees and Board Connections, Contemporary Accounting Research.
3. Cheng, Shijun, Robert Felix, and Yijiang Zhao, 2019, Board interlock Networks and Informed Short Sales, Journal of Banking & Finance.
4. Cheng, Shijun, Augustine Duru, and Yijiang Zhao, 2017, Antitakeover legislation and accounting conservatism: New evidence, Journal of Accounting and Public Policy.
5. Cheng, Shijun, and R. Indjejikian, 2009, The Market for Corporate Control and CEO Compensation: Complements or Substitutes?, Contemporary Accounting Research.
6. Cheng, Shijun, 2008, Board Size and the Variability of Corporate Performance, Journal of Financial Economics.
7. Cheng, Shijun, Venky Nagar and Madhav V. Rajan, 2007, Insider Trades and Private Information: A Special Case of Delayed-disclosure, Review of Financial Studies.
8. Cheng, Shijun, Venky Nagar and Madhav V. Rajan , 2005, Identifying Control Motives in Managerial Ownership: Evidence from Antitakeover Legislation, Review of Financial Studies.
9. Cheng, Shijun, 2004, R&D Expenditures and CEO Compensation, The Accounting Review.
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