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PAN, Jun
Professor of Finance, SAIF Chair Professor, Chair of Faculty Council
Support Staff:
Jesse Zheng
Support Staff Email:
lzheng2@saif.sjtu.edu.cnResearch Interests
Chinese Financial Markets, FinTech, Empirical Asset Pricing, Financial Derivatives Market, Credit Risk Model, Financial Crises, Market Liquidity, Market Microstructure, Risk Management, and Fixed-Income Markets.
Dr. Jun Pan is a Professor of Finance and SAIF Chair Professor at the Shanghai Advanced Institute of Finance (SAIF) at Shanghai Jiao Tong University. Before joining SAIF in 2019, Professor Pan held prestigious positions at renowned institutions, including the School of Management Distinguished Professor of Finance and Professor of Finance at the MIT Sloan School of Management. She was also a fellow at the National Institute of Economic Research in the United States.
Professor Pan's research fields encompass asset pricing, financial derivatives markets, credit risk models, financial crises, market liquidity, market microstructure, risk management, fixed-income markets, and China's financial market. She has published more than 20 high-level academic papers in prestigious international academic journals, including Econometrica, Journal of Finance, Review of Financial Studies, and Journal of Financial Economics. In 2022, Professor Pan was selected for Elsevier's list of "China's Most Cited Scholars."
Professor Pan serves as an editor at the Review of Finance and an associate editor at the Journal of Finance. In recognition of her outstanding research contributions, she received the SAIF Faculty Academic Research Award in 2022.
Professor Pan has received numerous awards and honors throughout her career, including the Luise Meyer-Schutzmeister Award for American Women in Science (1995), the Jaedicke Fellowship at Stanford Graduate School of Business (1996-1997), the Lieberman Fellowship at Stanford University (1998-1999), the Western Illinois University Alumni Achievement Award (2001), the First Prize in The Chicago Quantitative Alliance Annual Academic Competition (2003), and The Stephen A. Ross Prize in Financial Economics (2015).
Journal Publications
1. Hong, Claire Yurong, Xiaomeng Lu, and Jun Pan, 2024, Fintech Platforms and Mutual Fund Distribution, Management Science.
2. Ni, Sophie Xiaoyan, and Jun Pan, 2024, Trading options and CDS on stocks under the short sale ban, Journal of Banking & Finance.
3. Geng, Zhe and Jun Pan, 2024, The SOE Premium and Government Support in China's Credit Market, Journal of Finance.
4. Hu, Grace Xing, Jun Pan, Jiang Wang, Haoxiang Zhu, 2022, Premium for Heightened Uncertainty: Explaining Pre-Announcement Market Returns, Journal of Financial Economics.
5. Hu, Grace Xing, Jun Pan, and Jiang Wang, 2021, Tri-Party Repo Pricing, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis.
6. Grace Xing Hu, Jun Pan, Jiang Wang, 2021, Chinese Capital Market: An Empirical Overview, Critical Finance Review.
7. Hu, Grace Xing, Jun Pan, and Jiang Wang, 2017, Early peek advantage? Efficient price discovery with tiered information disclosure, Journal of Financial Economics.
8. Hu, Grace Xing, Jun Pan, and Jiang Wang, 2013, Noise as Information for Illiquidity, Journal of Finance.
9. Bao, Jack, and Jun Pan, 2013, Bond Illiquidity and Excess Volatility, Review of Financial Studies.
10. Longstaff, Francis A., Jun Pan, Lasse H. Pedersen, and Kenneth J. Singleton, 2011, How Sovereign is Sovereign Credit Risk?, American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics.
11. Bao, Jack, Jun Pan, and Jiang Wang, 2011, The Illiquidity of Corporate Bonds, Journal of Finance.
12. Pan, Jun, and Kenneth J Singleton, 2008, Default and Recovery Implicit in the Term Structure of Sovereign CDS Spreads, Journal of Finance.
13. Ni, Sophie, Jun Pan, and Allen Poteshman, 2008, Volatility Information Trading in the Option Market, Journal of Finance.
14. Pan, Jun, and Allen Poteshman, 2006, The Information in Option Volume for Future Stock Prices, Review of Financial Studies.
15. Liu, Jun, Jun Pan, and Tan Wang, 2005, An Equilibrium Model of Rare-Event Premia and Its Implication for Option Smirks, Review of Financial Studies.
16. Pan, Jun, 2003, [Iterative and Recursive Estimation in Structural Nonadaptive Models]: Comment, Journal of Business and Economic Statistics.
17. Pan, Jun, 2003, The Jump-Risk Premia Implicit in Options: Evidence from an Integrated Time-Series Study, Journal of Financial Economics.
18. Jun Liu, Francis A. Longstaff, Jun Pan, 2003, Dynamic Asset Allocation with Event Risk, Journal of Finance.
19. Liu, Jun, and Jun Pan, 2003, Dynamic Derivative Strategies, Journal of Financial Economics.
20. Duffie, Darrell, and Jun Pan, 2001, An Overview of Value at Risk, Journal of Derivatives.
21. Duffie, Darrell, Jun Pan, and Kenneth Singleton, 2000, Transform Analysis and Asset Pricing for Affine Jump-Diffusions, Econometrica.
Working Papers
1. Claire Yurong Hong, Jun Pan, and Shiwen Tian, 2021, Macro-Active Bond Mutual Funds.211 West Huaihai Road
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