• CHEN, Xin

    Term Professor

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    Iris Lei

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  • Research Interests

    Accounting and Capital Market, Corporate Finance, Securities Investment Strategy.

Dr. Xin Chen is a Term Professor at Shanghai Advanced Institute of Finance (SAIF) at Shanghai Jiao Tong University. Professor Chen has a diverse academic and professional background. In addition to his role at SAIF, he serves as the deputy Chairman of the Shanghai Jiao Tong University Committee of China Democratic Construction, Deputy Director of the Shanghai Finance and Finance Committee of China Democratic Construction, and a member of the Xuhui District Political Consultative Conference. He is also a member of the Independent Director Committee of the China Association of Listed Companies and an independent director of Xiamen Bank and Daming International Holdings, etc.


Prior to joining SAIF, Professor Chen worked at Antai College of Economics and Management, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, from 2006 to 2016. Between 2015 and 2016, he was selected by the Chinese central government for public services as Assistant Director of the Yunnan Provincial Development and Reform Commission. Additionally, he has gained experience at institutions such as the World Bank, Renmin University, Yunnan University, China Europe International Business School, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and Aarhus University.


Professor Chen's research interests encompass accounting and capital markets, corporate finance, capital operations of listed companies, and securities investment strategies. He has published dozens of high-standard international articles in prestigious journals, including Management World, Accounting Research, Journal of Financial Research, Auditing Research, Accounting and Finance, Asian Business and Management, China Economic Review, China Journal of Accounting Research, Information Technology and Management, Journal of International Accounting Research, Management and Organization Review, and Pacific-Basin Finance Journal.


Professor Chen has received numerous academic research awards and has presided over several scientific research projects, such as those funded by the National Natural Science Foundation. He was also selected for the Shanghai Pujiang Talent Plan. His policy advice and subject consultation have been sought by various government entities, including those of Shanghai, Yunnan, Wenzhou, and the Central Compilation Office. His suggestions have been adopted by the General Office of the Central Committee, the General Office of the State Council, the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, and the Central Committee of Civil Construction. His contributions have been recognized by national and provincial leaders, and he has received several awards for his political participation.


Professor Chen has extensive teaching experience, covering undergraduate, academic master's, MPACC, MBA, EMBA, and doctoral programs. He has received teaching awards and degree thesis tutoring awards. Additionally, he has published teaching cases about the Chinese capital market on platforms such as Ivey Case, China Professional Degree Teaching Case, and Shanghai MBA Course Case. Some dissertations he has supervised have won the Yunnan Province Excellent Doctoral Dissertation Award, and the Shanghai MBA Excellent Dissertation Award.


Professor Chen regularly contributes column articles to popular financial media outlets in China, including Securities Market Weekly, Securities Times, Caixin, Sina Finance, The Paper, Tencent Think Tank, NetEase Finance, China Reform, Board of Directors, China Daily, and Economic Observer. He has been interviewed by prominent media organizations such as the Wall Street Journal, Reuters, China Securities Journal, CCTV, Shanghai TV, and Yunnan TV, and has been invited as a guest for interviews on the CBN Channel.


Journal Publications

1. Chen, Xin, Qizhi Dai, and Chaohong Na, 2023, How Finance Shared Services Affect Profitability: An IT Business Value Perspective, Information Technology & Management.

2. 陈欣, 2024, 权衡大股东持股的利弊, 《证券市场周刊》。

3. 陈欣, 2024, 港股通股息税负亟待降低, 《证券市场周刊》。

4. 陈欣, 2024, 优质房企“保信用”政策待发力, 《证券市场周刊》。

5. 刘佳欣, 陈欣, 2022, IPO中断有害吗?延迟上市对公司绩效的影响, 《上海管理科学》。

6. 万滢霖, 陈欣, 2021, 企业区块链应用、信息化投入与内部资本市场效率, 《投资研究》。

7. Xin, Chen, and Yang Chang, 2021, Vertical Interlock and the Value of Cash Holdings, Accounting and Finance.

8. Hsihui Chang, Xin Chen, C.S. Agnes Cheng, Nan Zhou, 2021, Certification of Audit Committee Effectiveness: Evidence from a One-Time Regulatory Event in China, Journal of International Accounting Research.

9. Yang, Chang, Xin Chen and Xian Chen, 2021, Vertical interlock and stock price crash risk, Pacific-Basin Finance Journal.

10. 陈欣, 2020, 后疫情时代中国资本市场:风险、机遇与展望, 《中国社会科学报》。

11. 陈欣, 宋玉禄, 李振东, 2020, 频繁并购重组与异常审计收费, 《南京审计大学学报》。

12. Chen, Xin, Qizhi Dai, and Chaohong Na, 2019, The Value of Enterprise Information Systems under Different Corporate Governance Aspects, Information Technology & Management.

13. Arnoldi, Jakob, Anders Ryom Villadsen, Xin Chen, and Chaohong Na, 2019, Multi-Level State Capitalism: Chinese State-Owned Buisness Groups, Management and Organization Review.

14. Chen, Xian, Jakob Arnoldi, and Xin Chen, 2019, Chinese Culture, Materialism and Corporate Supply of Trade Credit, China Finance Review International.

15. 李贤, 陈娴, 陈欣, 2018, 怎样的公司市值管理动机更强?——来自2015年中国股灾停复牌数据的证据, 《中央财经大学学报》。

16. Muratova, Yulia, Jakob Arnoldi, Xin Chen, and Joachim Scholderer, 2018, Political Rotations and Cross-Province Firm Acquisitions in China, Asian Business & Management.

17. 陈欣, 杜威, 张天西, 2017, 基于业绩门槛监管下增发的长期表现:来自中国公开增发市场的证据, 《会计研究》。

18. 董晓洁, 陈欣, 纳超洪, 2017, 企业集团、纵向关联与社会责任披露的关系研究, 《管理学报》。

19. Chen, Xin, Song Sun, and Xiaodong Xu, 2016, Free Cash Flow, Over-Investment and Corporate Governance in China, Pacific-Basin Finance Journal.

20. Chen, Xin, Jakob Arnoldi and Chaohong Na, 2015, Governance Structure and Related Party Loan Guarantees: The Case of Chinese Family Business Groups, Management and Organization Review.

21. Chang, Chun, Xin Chen, and Guanmin Liao, 2014, What are the Reliably Important Determinants of Capital Structure in China?, Pacific-Basin Finance Journal.

22. 许红伟, 陈欣, 2012, 我国推出融资融券交易促进了标的股票的定价效率吗?——基于双重差分模型的实证研究, 《管理世界》。

23. 陈欣, 陈娴, 2012, 邮票的特征与发行后长期回报—来自新中国邮票的证据, 《中国金融评论》。
